10 Reasons Why You Should Join DATAFLUCT Now

When DATAFLUCT is your choice for a new job, I hope you’ll read this medium. And I hope you will make the decision to join us.

1. DF is a rare company that can take on the challenge of sustainable x technology business

At DF, we use data science technology to solve issues related to sustainability, including the environment, food loss, supply chains, energy, and mobility.

As a matter of fact, I want to use data science to address the challenges of society. As a result of the pursuit of this technology, we have increased our technological capabilities. Now, thanks to our technological capabilities, we are helping many companies with their DX and business sales. We believe that promoting the use of data in many companies will also contribute to society.

This sexy job at DF is about tackling social challenges in data science. If you want to devote most of your life to “social challenges”, “technology challenges”, or both, there is no better place in Japan to be than at DF.

DF is a company that takes on the challenge of sustainable DX

2. there is a culture of freedom and responsibility in DF

In our first year of existence, DF created a culture code (i.e., a discipline of working style) and made it available to the public.From our first year of existence, we wanted to create the best environment for data scientists and business developers, so we interviewed each of them and verbalized their thoughts on their work.

DFs are forced to take responsibility for their work, whether it is outsourced or on the side. They must be professional at all times, and if they are judged to be otherwise, they must leave DF. As a result, a culture of freedom and responsibility has been created.

As a DF member, you have to make all decisions for yourself. I wouldn’t recommend working at DF to anyone who has spent their entire working life waiting for their boss to tell them what to do, because it’s a very demanding environment. However, for those who want to work on their own initiative, there is no better environment. Don’t worry, it doesn’t mean that I am a laissez-faire boss.

There’s a delegation of authority in DF that you don’t get as a corporate employee.

3. there is no need to read the air in DF.

DF has a culture where members from different backgrounds (nationality, education, company, age) have equally strong opinions and clash with each other to raise the level of work. In my opinion, unnecessary coiling of relationships is just inefficient.

DF hates the meaningless practices of old Japanese companies. DF members need to be able to make the right decisions for everyone, armed with data. There is no point in questioning the background of who had an opinion. Each person must have a strong moral compass. The things that don’t make the most sense for us to have morals and to keep coming up with solutions with a scientific approach are the air, discrimination, relationships and politics.

Because we are always dealing with very valuable data, each of us must take responsibility for our actions in what we say and do.

A company that says “read the air” cannot raise the level of work through dialogue and genderless global teamwork.

Reading the data, not the air, DF style.

4. no wasted middle management in DF.

We handle a lot of projects that have three overlapping themes: data science, business development, and speed implementation. It can be said that we are dealing with a very difficult theme.

Instead of saying, “I can’t make a decision without checking with my superiors,” you are required to make decisions on your own based on your own opinions and those of your colleagues who have other perspectives. As I worked on multiple projects, I came to the conclusion that the speed of work would be greatly enhanced if each person was given responsibility for his or her own work.

If there’s anything that stands in the way of organizational agility, it’s not rules and discipline, but the “information asymmetry” that pervades the organization.

Thus, DF has a flat and transparent organizational structure with little or no hierarchy created. Do you believe that you can do more work with more subordinates?

In our work, it’s not about quantity, it’s about quality. Do we really need more subordinates there?

DF is not for people who want to lead a lot of subordinates. DF is a great work environment for people who are frustrated with their jobs because their bosses don’t make decisions for them.

DF has a high speed decision making system.

5.DF members can work full remote and anywhere in the world.

DF has been and will continue to grow into a global company with full remotes. Just because we are fully remote doesn’t mean we don’t like to interact. Online meetings will be frequent and information sharing will be more frequent.

The benefit of full remote is not the company’s advantage of not having to pay for office space, but rather the value criteria of eliminating all kinds of waste, which is why we choose full remote. In order to be productive with full remote, there is an algorithm of trust: trusting your employees and trusting each other. If you’re fully remote, most of your work logs stay online. By analyzing those logs, you can figure out if the person is a trustworthy person.

As a matter of fact, full remote is not a recommended way of working for any company. There are a variety of challenges. To overcome them, DF has an algorithm for autonomous organization — a system that runs the organization and uses data to increase organizational productivity.

DF is a great place to work if you want to work where you want to work and get away from a crowded train.

DF members are designed to work anywhere, anytime, labor-wise.

6.DF is a start-up, but the rewards are high.

DF’s salary table is millions higher than that of the same AI startup and SaaS startup, so you can easily increase your annual salary.

If you are at DeNA, Recruit or Rakuten, you can probably join DF without lowering your annual salary. If you’re at Mercurial, GAFA or a foreign consultant, you’ll have to lower your annual salary.

As a matter of fact, stock options are a more attractive reward than annual income. We plan to go public in a few years and grant them to all employees. At a young age, you can get a significantly larger amount of money than a large corporate retirement plan.

What makes this possible in DF is the openness of the OKRs, and the open weekly reports and OKR progress allow for competence and Results will show up. I think it’s a myth that startups have a lower annual income. I think that’s true because the ability to make money and the ability to do a startup (growth through in-house product development) both work together.

DF’s SO is an attractive incentive

7.DF can work with excellent colleagues.

We have some excellent members in DF. Maybe it’s because we set our hiring standards very high. At the moment, the yield is 2–3% from application to offer.

The way the hiring system works, if any one of the five interviewers gave a no, they wouldn’t get in. They look at people based on criteria such as whether they are better than you or have leadership skills, and if there is nothing particularly brilliant about them, they are not allowed to join the company. If a person says “I’m better than you” or “I’m a leader,” you can’t join the team.

And it goes without saying that the combination of keywords such as no discrimination, results (value) driven, full remote, freedom and responsibility, business development, data science, and social skills will result in sharp people applying for the job. It’s an interview where the best members of the team are encouraged to let in people who are better than they are, and as a result, they will be excellent people. Working with such a group of people will not be a stressful experience.

At DF, we tackle a challenging task with the best of friends.

8. DF allows you to pursue both personal growth and life satisfaction at the same time.

DF offers two things at once: a lifestyle-driven benefits program and unparalleled growth opportunities.

Many companies are failing to realize the desire to work while raising children, working in a rural area, or working where they want to work, while at the same time realizing the growth opportunities of wanting to take on a more difficult and responsible job.

It’s true that working and home environments can affect your productivity at work, but if you can work autonomously, you can overcome it. (Few do.)

Thanks to such a system, we have had to move to a rural area and the best candidates have applied to DF.

Not only does DF offer a pretty special menu of benefits that allows you to work when and where you want, but they also offer a pretty special menu of 10 paid days on your first day of employment, Sick Leave grant, and workcation expense coverage. Is there any other company that offers this much at a startup? We are planning to research and create the best benefit package in Japan. The idea behind DF is to choose a full remote and pass those costs on to employees as compensation and benefits.

Working at a startup! I’m sure you’ll get a backlash from your family if you say that, but I don’t think there’s any other company that is this family-oriented. I think.

DF has provided the highest level of benefits to help you work creatively.

9. If you’re DF, you’re going to be world class.

DF is determined to compete with technology that can compete in the world.

In order to do so, we will start by winning the Japanese market and then list on the stock exchange within a few years. That’s not the goal. In fact, we wouldn’t need a lot of products or the best people just to get listed on Mothers.

Our goal is not to become the №1 brand in Japan, but to continue to make an impact on the world, we believe it is important to remain a start-up. That’s why we will continue to be a start-up studio and an organization that continues to invent and create products.

For this reason, the organization is also building a team so that half of the team can operate in a foreign country. In fact, our first and second full-time employees joined on October 1, and one of them was a data scientist from India who could not speak Japanese. We are planning to hire more and more English-speaking people in the future.

The sheer amount of product may be part of the appeal, but the ability to be on a ship that aims to take the world with you is a valid reason to quit your current company.

DF has been a global company from the beginning.

10.DF is in a growth momentum right now

DF is experiencing growth right now. We are doing our best to keep from collapsing as we work on a major Japanese corporate project, successive releases of our own services and hiring activities, and chewing on growth every day. In a year’s time, DF will have 30–40 full-time employees as we grow.

There are plenty of other startups out there, but now is the time to feel the momentum of growth as a data science platform that is about to take on the world. It’s probably now or never.

If you’re feeling the growth momentum, DF is the only way to go.

Click here to apply.

Hayato Kumemura / DATAFLUCT, Inc. , Founder,CEO
Hayato Kumemura / DATAFLUCT, Inc. , Founder,CEO

Written by Hayato Kumemura / DATAFLUCT, Inc. , Founder,CEO

datasciece for everybusiness! a Data Science Startup Studio DATAFLUCT CEO / ex-Nikkei,Recruit,MACROMILL,Benesse,JAXA.

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